It is very upsetting to me that there has apparently been some discord over our invitation list for our private, intimate wedding on Saturday.
Very briefly, I would like to explain that Joel and I view this wedding as a time to not only commit ourselves to one another with the blessing of our closest loved ones- but as a time to joyfully express our thanks for the people who have influenced us, raised us, saved us, and aided us in becoming the awesome couple we are.
Translation: This is a very, very intimate ceremony where we will be spending time to personally address individuals throughout the evening.
We will not let this opportunity be open and appreciative of those attending our wedding be diluted by petty passive aggressiveness. We will not let this sacred and spiritual time be tainted by folks who have never been involved in our lives, and are making a fuss because they somehow feel they now have a say in what we do.
Friday is going to be a wedding that is probably more heartfelt and inclusive of those in attendance than weddings you may have attended in the past. This is why most of our friends- even the majority of our closest friends- are being invited on Saturday only.
Finally, if you would like to protest, please call Joel or myself (depending upon which side you are on) directly instead of torturing those on our invitation list behind our backs.
Honestly, what civilized person would truly think such behavior would endear themselves to anyone? I'm ashamed of you.
Weddings are for happy people full of love.